Saturday, June 20, 2015

Blog June Post 19, 20 and 21 - Triple Post or I'm Just Slack

Well only 9 days to go and I've already missed 2 days in a row.

Friday saw me come home from work tired after a busy week.  Yesterday I headed out to a friend's place for afternoon/evening drinks after a full on day of clothes and grocery shopping.  Today it is cold and I've done a half baked job of cleaning the house.

A bit of a rip off post from me today as I really haven't got anything much to write.  So instead I post this photo (note there are a few ladies missing from this photo) and say I love all of these women as they are such a diverse bunch who have brought so much to my life in different ways!!  Fitness, confidence, advice, fun and support!!  I love you girls!

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Blog June Post 18 - Shadow Work

GraemeO28 wrote this blog post a few days ago about Shadow Work.

GraemeO28 says, quoting from a radio interview he was listening to about Craig Lambert's book about Shadow Work Shadow work, according to the author, is the growing multitude of insidious and tedious tasks that were previously not our responsibility or didn’t exist. And as a consequence our time is getting leached away. 

Shadow work mainly refers to self service and how these tasks used to be done by people but are now done by us and thus use up our own time.  It also results in less interaction.

I know sometimes I like using self service because it is quick (so I'm not sure why they say it is taking our time) and people can't judge me on what I'm buying/borrowing etc.  However, it does mean that there is less interaction with other people - although sometimes that is a good thing!

Anyway, it is an interesting thing to ponder.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Blog June Post 16 and 17 - Jack Andraka and Open Access

I'm obviously not very good at #blogjune this time round as there appears to be lots of double posts.  Honestly, some evenings I get home and am so tired that I can't think straight enough to do a post - hence the double posts.

Moving on!

Today I read an article in the latest Good Reading magazine about Jack Andraka who invented an inexpensive early detection test for pancreatic cancer when he was only 15.

Now that is pretty amazing and from the article I gathered that he's pretty smart.  But what stood out for me in the Good Reading article was that due to the difficulties he had accessing scientific journal articles during his research for his invention, he has now become an advocate for making information free, or in particular access to scientific journals.

While I was reading the article I was thinking to myself, did he approach his school librarian.  And if he did, would they have been able to help him get access.

I know that most scientific journals are only accessible to those studying/teaching in academic libraries or medical/scientific institutes.  However, searching the internet exposes the general public to these articles, alerting them so they know they exist.  And then the barrier of having to pay to read them presents itself when they try to go further.

Jack argued that in order for people like him to be able to do genuine research these journals should be freely accessible.

I know that there is still a lot of talk about open access and a lot of the journals have moved down that path.  But Jack does have a point.  Why should these journals be restricted to just those that have paid/or are being paid to be in these institutions?  Who should have the say at whether something should be free or not?  Should the institution make a decision to make these journals accessible to those outside the institution or is it back at the publisher/author/creator?

I must admit that I haven't read a lot regarding open access and the likes, so I am opening up the discussion to those in the library/information industry (or not).  What are your thoughts?  Do you think that there would be more research and discoveries if scientific journals became accessible to all?

Today's mantra: Turn your wounds into wisdom
Yesterday's mantra: Girl, you look fit!

Monday, June 15, 2015

Blog June Post 15 - Sharing is Caring

Thanks to @FiFYI also known as the Bun-Toting Librarian for her Monday Meme which she is kindly sharing without knowing it!!
  1. What’s your preferred name? Sharon or Shaz, Shaza, Leibs (by my hubby), or Mum.
  2. Do you wear glasses? Yes. I got my glasses when I was 18 - just after I got my driver's license.  I am short sighted so it was interesting judging distances when driving.  I also wanted to go back and see the musicals I had seen prior as I'm sure I missed bits because I couldn't see.
  3. How would you describe your fashion style? I'd say I'm a dag!  I don't fuss too much about what I wear and currently have more fun coordinating my running gear than my everyday clothes.
  1. What do you fear? Spiders, drowning, anything happening to anyone in my family but really scared of something happening to Miss A.
  2. What is your guilty pleasure? Chocolate although I'm not guilty about it!!  I also love Summer Rolls.
  1. What was your first thought when you woke up today? Why am I doing this - as in getting up at 4.15am to go for a run in the dark at 5.15am and then followed by bootcamp.  It was also raining so dark and rain - yep I'm hardcore.  I can't wait for the marathon to be over so I can have a week of some sleeping in!!!
  2. What you think about most? Food LOL  No I also think about .... well food LOL  Miss A would say running and exercise so that is a nice balance!
  1. To be loved or respected? Both
  2. Dogs or cats? Cats but I do like dogs - although I don't like one's outside of their fences growling at me or going at me.  I also don't like the one's that bark constantly.  But well behaved dogs are beautiful!  And I have 2 cats so am a bit biased.
  1. Believe in yourself? I'm learning to.
  2. Believe in love? Yes and still am!
  1. Do you play a musical instrument? No but I love to sing!!
  2. Do you enjoy cooking? No
  3. Are you any good at gardening? I can be if I want to.  But I choose not too.  Mowing the lawn is about the extent of my gardening.
  1. Favourite animal? Anything that is cute - I do like mini pigs
  2. Favourite movie? Anne of Green Gables and The Outsiders
  3. Favourite book? The Outsiders.
  1. How old are you? 38
  2. Does age matter? No, you are only as old as you feel  I plan to be active for the rest of my life and that guarantees that I will always feel young - so I hope!
Today's mantra: Be your own superhero

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Blog June Post 14 - Lim Lee

Today's mantra: I will.  Just watch me.

Today's post is dedicated to my friend, Lim Lee (I have changed her name out of respect for her privacy but she will know who she is).

Today Lim Lee is becoming an Ironman (Ironwoman but they call it Ironman).  She is Cairns completing the Ironman triathlon.  So far she has completed a 3.8km swim, 180km bike ride and is over halfway or 10km off completing her 42.2km run.  She is a legend!!  She is my inspiration!!  She is a machine that constantly plays down her ability but that makes her more likable.  She is someone I look to for advice on my training and when she finishes this Ironman, I will know that I can do the 42.2km because if Lim Lee can do this, I can lap up some of her belief and believe that I can achieve my goal!

Now she is probably going to think I'm going a bit over the top with this post, but since I got up this morning, I have been checking in on her progress.  I'm not stalking (although she may think overwise).  I just think that she has been training for this for so long, that I want to have her in my thoughts and push energy and positive vibes to her during her journey.  And send her a congratulations text when she finishes later tonight.

Go Lim Lee - I can't wait for a race recap!!

And as for me at the Gold Coast Airport Marathon on Sunday 5 July - I will.  Just watch me!!!

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Blog June Double Post 12 and 13

Yep, I'm playing catch up again.  I was mentally exhausted after finishing work yesterday so no post last night.  I can't understand why I was so tired when we had a shorter working week - anyone else feel the same?

Yesterday we had a backpacker in the library.  As there is only one staff member on (usually) Thursday and Friday, we close for an hour for a lunch break.  I was just about to close up the library when he asked if the local pubs would be showing the FIFA women's soccer match.  Canada and New Zealand were playing and he was Canadian.

First I looked up if it was being broadcast and what station it was on - SBS One.  Then I contacted the pub with the more televisions - under the advice of other library users that they would more likely be able to show various channels if they have more than one television - and asked if they would be able to put one of the televisions on SBS One so the backpacker could watch his soccer match.  The backpacker had also asked if they had wifi, so I asked that too.  And the pub said they could do both so off went the backpacker, and I got to feel satisfied at completing a left of centre reference query!

Today was Social Run Saturday.  However, I had to run 13km according to my marathon training plan, so I ran 5km with company and 8km on my own.  It was bit of a tough run as where we ran today has lots of hills.  But breakfast is always a good motivator!!

After breakfast, I headed home and then straight back out the door to Aldi as they were having their fitness gear sale.  Unfortunately, they did not have any medium size long compression tights left so I missed out there but did managed to get a 3/4 pair and 2 fitness jackets.

Aldi is a dangerous shop for me to enter as I usually go a bit crazy and buy lots and lots of things.  Today was no different.   I always think I'm saving money and stocking up but I really should just come in and get what I need and not grab things off the shelf that I think members of my family might like to try!

Miss A is having a friend sleep over tonight and there is nothing on television so after completing this post, I will most likely lurk on FB and catch up on what others have been doing.  Such an exciting life to lead.

The mantra's: Proceed as if success is inevitable (good one for me with the marathon coming up) and You're never too old to set another goal or dream a new dream.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Blog June Post 11 - Mud Poo and Cows

Today's mantra: Live the life you have imagined.

Thanks to @geocachinglibn for writing a responding blog post to my post concerning libraries and communities.

He writes: There are certainly a range of different communities on a university campus, such as the research community, teaching and learning community, and the internationalisation community, and the library is usually represented in them all.

This got me thinking - do public libraries have a research community, teaching and learning community and internationalisation community?  I think they do, and I think they have more - the reading for relaxation community, the education community, the hobby community, the book club community, the student requiring a space community - and I use the word community instead of individual as there are many and often the come together in the library or network through the library.  But I suppose we could just call them the public library community!

I will be interested to read/learn more about how @geocachinglibn feels the health library he is now working in builds community.  But there are other's that follow my blog that already work in health libraries and they may be able to discuss this as well.  The floor is open to you.....

Today was a good day in the library.  I had a query for an item that turned out to be not what it was first thought to be.  I love it when I have to do a bit of sleuthing to work out just what the customer is wanting - especially when only provided with a snippet of information.  I miss using these skills as the role I am currently in calls for more people massaging (management) then the fun "using library skills" stuff!

This morning was also fun.  I ran 21km with my running friends.  We left at around 5am in the dark and went out along one of the road that passes a few dairy farms.  Unfortunately, for us we had some rain last night which caused parts of the road to be slippery with mud and cow poo.  It was a case of yelling out "puddle" "pot hole" "mud" "cow" - yes cow!!  A cow was outside the paddock and due to the lack of light it was a bit of a shock to look up from concentrating on the ground so as not to fall over and see a huge beast in front of you.  I think the cow was more scared of us - as you would be with numerous bobbing head lamps coming towards you looking somewhat like UFO's - and ran off to find the gap in the fence and return to the safety of the paddock.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Blog June Post 10 - A lesson in customer service

Tonight I am a bit worked up and while I would not normally share my disgruntled customer post I made to Trip Advisor and also posted on my FB page about a local business, tonight I will.  All in the lesson of good customer service and loyalty to locals.  What follows is a rant:

I have eaten and picked up takeaway from the Urunga Bowls Club numerous times since it first opened. Unfortunately, tonight I was made to feel embarrassed because I am local but not a member and apparently to pick up your takeaway order or to eat in the restaurant, you have to be a member if you are local. If you are not local, you are fine to just scan your license and in you go. I do not understand why as a local I should be made to pay a yearly membership to pick up a take...away meal. I also don't understand why the staff do not inform you of this when you phone them for your order. And I also don't understand why there isn't consistency in this rule, as other times I have been able to enter without being made to feel like a criminal. I was made to feel like I was committing the worse crime. The "Bouncer" called out to me and then berated me in front of the other people who were coming in the door. If you want locals to visit your club, then treat the locals nicely. Urunga Bowling Club, you have lost any future business that you would've had from me!! And I will be spreading the word to other locals about the way I was treated!!

Sorry for those that have already read this on my FB page but I am so upset and embarrassed about this that I just felt the need to share it.

I do realise that this may actually be an accepted protocol in all clubs in a Australia, and if it is, then I think it needs to be reviewed.  Or perhaps someone could let me in on the logic behind it.  But to me this is like saying to someone, I'm sorry but you can't use the library unless you have a library membership card - as in you can't even walk through the door unless you have a library membership card - where is the sense in this!!

Ok rant over and I'm so worked up I can't even share a mantra today!

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Blog June Post 9 - Libraries Community Builders

This morning I shared this article on my other jobs FB page.  My other job is marking library student assessments for TAFE.  So I shared the article with students.

Along with the article, I asked the students this: Discussion about public libraries often leads to phrases like community hub etc. Do you think the same applies in academic, special, and school libraries?

The students must be busy people because as yet there have been no replies.  However, I am open for those reading my blog to discuss and perhaps share a comment on FB, twitter or here on the blog comments.

When I used to work in academic libraries, pre-child, the campus was my community.  My coworkers were my community.  Those that used the library were my community.  I put this down to the campus being the main place I was spending my time.

Yes I would do my shopping etc outside of the campus, back in the suburb I lived in.  But I never felt the suburb was my community until I had my daughter, went on maternity leave and started spending more time in my suburb.  I stared interacting with more than the check out person at the grocery store.  I attended the community nurse sessions, baby rhyme time, mother's group and the list goes on.  Suddenly, I was interacting, meeting and becoming friends with people who lived in my own suburb!!  In my community!!

This brings me back to the original question - do academic, special and school libraries build communities?  Or have their own communities?

They all provide spaces for people to gather.  They provide different programs for people to attend as groups or individuals.  But do they build communities and if so what sort of communities?

I will leave this open for some discussion (I hope)!

Today's mantra: Your body deserves the best

In my case lately, my body has been having the best chocolate!! 8-)

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Blog June Post 8 - A Meme

To assist with my inspiration for today's post, I am using a meme from Bun-Toting Librarian's blog.

I’m reading – lots of fitness magazines - Runner's World, Women's Running Australia, Women's Fitness Australia, Women's Health Australia, Women's Health and Fitness, Good Health, R4YL (Run for your life), etc.  I haven't read a novel for some time.  The last one I read was Bronwyn Parry's latest - Storm Clouds.  I'm currently reading the Harry Potter series to Miss A.  We are up to the Goblet of Fire.

I’m watching – I'm not actually hooked on any TV shows at the moment.  We have Foxtel so I was hooked on Housewives of Melbourne - but mainly because my cousin, Janet is on the show.  I do like watching Selling Houses Australia and Location, Location, Location Australia.

I’m cooking – I don't cook.

I’m drinking – water!!  Lots of water and recovery type drinks after long runs.  I love love hot milo's especially in winter.  I have never been a coffee drinker but have recently started drinking Jarah Swiss Moments and don't mind the odd Mocha (less coffee more chocolate!)

I’m thinking – about my upcoming full marathon and whether I will cross the finish line after running 42.2km.  Well actually I'm doing a lot of visualisation of crossing the finish line!!  And eating lots of food after!!

I’m taking – hmm not sure what should be put here.  I'm taking multivitamins, gels when I do long runs, my time LOL

I’m missing – sleeping in due to getting up early to run!

I’m enjoying – eating chocolate!!  Well not at the moment but I am looking forward to the spring rolls being made for my dinner and then will follow with M&Ms.

I’m planning – on crossing the line at Gold Coast Marathon (yes repeating myself!)

I’m listening – to Miss A talking about Minecraft servers - no idea what she's talking about.

Today's mantra: She who dares, wins!!

Blog June Post 6 &7

I was almost at the point of giving up #blogjune this afternoon due to lack of inspiration and motivation and wondering if what I'm writing is actually interesting to anyone.  Then I found some of my fellow bloggers had discussed one of my earlier posts about whether library users need to know what we do to find information.

@geocachinglibrarian shared these thoughts.  Then @seanfish suggested that librarians offer a "box with windows."  So be a place that shows those wanting to know how to find information and be a "black box" that provides information without revealing how it is done.  I like the box with windows idea!

Yesterday was a busy day with the odd start of no run.  Off I went to Coffs Harbour Library to pick up a magazine I had on reserve that my own library doesn't subscribe to.  I was pleasantly surprised last week when Coffs Library weeded their Runners World magazines and offered me the weeded issues free of charge!  I then discovered they had also done this for a friend with their Triathlon mags.  Aren't library staff thoughtful!
Then to do the rounds of Woolworths.

Home again and it was a rainy dreary day so I sat around not doing much and then went for a walk when a break in the rain appeared.  Miss A joined me so of course it poured when we were half way around.  Home again and a quiet evening followed.
This morning, up at stupid o'clock (4am) to get picked up at 5am to head to South West Rocks for the Macleay River Marathon.  I was joining 5 friends to run the half marathon as a training run for the Gold Coast Marathon.  The goal was to go slower than usual and stick with the girls.  Lyndee did a great job keeping me to task except where I got carried away atthe end where I made us do a 1km effort to the finish line.  We pulled Iin at under 2 hours which was good.  I was supposed to go and run another 8km but as soon as they made me sit down to take the timing chip off, my hip flexor said no.

I did enjoy a massage and a late breakfast. Then home and an afternoon walk ofm8k and I'm suitably stuffed.

To finish I have 2 mantras: When life hands you a wave, grab your board and enjoy the ride And There are seven days in a week and someday isn't one of them.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Blog Post 5

Today's mantra: The best way to predict the future is to create it.

I know I should be trying to relate back to the mantra in this post but today it's all about being busy and crazy busy.

This was me this morning.  I was working alone today.  The Bellingen Readers and Writers Festival is on and we had a workshop in on of the library meeting rooms.  I opened early because it was cold and I had the workshop attendees coming early.

Instantly the computers were full and then one of those on the computer, an older man. asked if I knew how to  book flights online.  Between serving at least 50 people in 2 hours I assisted (well actually I did it as he did not want to touch the computer) the man in booking flights too and from Broome, as well as his accommodation.  But it wasn't all that straight forward as he wanted particular flights and wanted to see the costs of all different days to compare.  And let's not go into the fuss around the accommodation.

Once done with the gentleman, I then had to assist someone attach files to an email and print out a pdf document.

Lunch - yep let's go for a walk even though it was only 8'C outside.  I also had to contact the school my daughter was visiting as she was attending another workshop hosted by the Bellingen Readers and Writers Festival.  My husband had called as he had somehow injured his back so he wasn't able to walk to pick her up in the afternoon.  So I got the school to drop her off at the library.

Slave labour - that's what I had this afternoon as my daughter became my little helper.  And she did a great job issuing books, returning books, shelving junior easies/picture books, working out how much photocopy/printing costs, and giving me lots of hugs. I think I have a potential librarian on my hands.  She even chose some books for herself!!

So home and finally some time to relax and feel cosy.  Busy, yep but still a good day!

Tomorrow morning sees no run as I'm doing a fun run on Sunday as a training run so I will most likely feel weird all day - usually happens when my schedule changes.  But I hope to sleep in as I will be up at stupid o'clock to get picked up at 5am on Sunday morning.

Hopefully a more interesting and reflective post tomorrow.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Blog June Post 4

Today's mantra: You get what you give

I have always believed that with anything you only get out what you put in.  And I'm sure I've discussed this numerous times throughout different blog posts.

With work, you only get out what you put in.  Not sure if this always applies.  As I find at times that you can put so much in without any result.  But as I think about this a bit more, there will always be someone who uses the library that appreciates the work you do - sometimes it's not even the tasks or projects you do that take a long time that they appreciate - many times it's the little things you do all the time that are appreciated the most.

With exercise, it's not really about how hard you work but it's the consistency.  If you are willing to be consistent then you will see results.  Obviously at times you will benefit by upping the ante or pushing yourself out of the comfort zone, but ultimately it's about consistency.  And in winter that becomes harder.  I'm not a big fan of the cold.

As I mentioned in my first #blogjune post, I am currently training for the Gold Coast Airport Marathon.  I started training back in the last 2 weeks of February.  So it has been a long journey.  It takes a commitment more than I thought.  I was going well until mid May when I started having a niggle in my right hip flexor.  It caused me to cut back distance a bit and call on mental strength to push through to get to 30km last weekend.

It is frustrating as I have been having physio but the niggle is still there.  I have been stretching, taking note of my running form and using electro magnetic pulsing - but the niggle is still there.

I know others that have run the marathon with injury but it would be nice to be going into the race feeling good and not worrying if the niggle is going to flare up during the race to the point that you can only hobble.

I have no doubt - ok as I write this I do have doubt but I am hoping mental strength and my body will hold up to get me over the finish line.  Once done, I am then going to focus on running shorter distances as I believe that my body is not designed to run further than half marathon distance (21.1k as opposed to full  marathon distance of 42.2k).  I hope that once I've done the marathon, that my niggle will disappear and I will once again run without worry.

I will keep you posted...

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Blog June Post 3

Sorry this post is a bit late but last night I was lucky enough to attend Sirens of the Seaboard - a special women's only dinner where local health professionals (women) spoke to us about women's health issues - specifically for those over 30.

The mantra for this post is: Life will (at times) knock you down.  It's okay to take a breather.

Last night that was one of the messages shared.  It is okay to be stressed out, emotional, and at times feel like you need to step off the world and take time to breathe.  It is normal.  Life is full of ups and downs.

While it may seem like every second person is being diagnosed with depression or anxiety - have these increased any since when our parents were younger.  They just didn't talk about it back then or diagnose it as depression etc.  Everything was fine.

So while today it seems like time is moving faster and things are changing quickly - is this causing us to be more stressed, depressed and anxious?

Those that fought for women to have equal employment and be able to go out and work full time - is working full time helping us to feel less stressed, depressed and/or anxious??  If you are feeling stressed, depressed and/or anxious - it might be a good time to look at your work situation and see if you can work part time to allow time for you to do more enjoyable pursuits (happiness helps you feel less stressed, depressed and anxious).  You might have to make some minor sacrifices but perhaps it's something to consider.  I know if my financial situation was different, I'd certainly love to be working part time - just to be more present for my family instead of rushing from one thing to the next.

The evening also talked about menopause, mental health and sexual health but I won't go into these other than to say all the information was very informative, and it was particularly good of the professional who spoke about sexual health to mention erotic fiction and that the local library has a good collection - I did then have to yell out "look for the lips" as in the lip sticker!!

It makes me think of how good it is in small communities for women to come together in forums like this and share serious information in a fun and enjoyable way!

Hopefully it will be a double post day and Ill have another post for you this evening!

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Blog June Post 2 - Be the Bomb!!

Ok today's mantra is Be the Bomb!!

Now if my hip flexor was feeling great I would be feeling the bomb because I would have participated in the 3 x 1km efforts this morning with my running friends.  Instead I toddled off on my own to do 8km.  I did get to see a gorgeous pre sun rise at the headland but I love the feeling of pushing myself through efforts - not while I'm doing them - just at the end so I feel I missed out a bit.

Anyway, back to Be the Bomb!!  I have been doing some recruitment for some casual positions recently and for me the big thing that resonated is that for a small town we have a lot of library qualified and experienced people out there.  The other thing is that most people don't know what we do as library staff.

So since I don't want to go into too much detail about applications received and quality of applications - because that is not something to share in the public sphere - I will just say that perhaps as a profession we don't do a very good job at letting people know or illustrating just what we do in our jobs in libraries - or perhaps we do such a good job, we make it look easy!!

Predominately, in our library it is all about customer service - knowing your customers, knowing your community, knowing what they want and knowing about the books they like to read and how to find the information they want - or even going as far to pre-empt their information needs so you have the access to the information they want.  So lots of professions have customer service as their main skill set (if that's what you can call it, but you get what I mean).  So lots of people have experience in customer service and this can be transferred to a library service.

Lots of people know how to know their customers and their community because we are not the only industry that does this.

But what about books and information.  What industry combines all of this and knows what information their community needs and when they need it??

Back to the part about people not knowing what we do.  Do they need to know what we do?  Or do they only need to get the end product - really how many of us care how that packet of chips got on the shelf and into the trolley - we just want to eat the chips??

Should we be like the farmers and start educating people about the process of getting the information to them?  What does it involve?  How do we go about it?  What skills are needed?  What hurdles do we jump to get the information?  Or do they really need/want to know?

So perhaps it is about being the bomb - get the right information to the right person at the right time - but let's not get hung up on whether the person cares about how you got the information.

What do you think?

Monday, June 1, 2015

Blog June - Post 1

Yay!!  It's that time of the year again - Blog June!!  Where I get motivated to blog everyday of June!!  Well, ok, I'll try to blog everyday of June!!

We left off in Blog 12 Days of Christmas with me striving to be awesome!!  Well let's see how that is going almost 6 months on!

I'm sticking with my Month of Mantras from the Women's Fitness magazine.  So today's mantra is.... inspire someone today!

Personally I don't think I'm an inspirational person.  I don't live a very exciting life.  I run, exercise, work, eat, read, sleep, and start all over again. 

However, running and exercise have somehow lead to me being considered inspiring by those around me.  People in the community that I didn't know where taking an interest in my daily doings (yes a bit creepy I know), friends who find my dedication to exercise and running inspirational, those that have seen me lose weight and make some minor changes in my lifestyle - inspirational!!

Personally it makes me all a bit embarrassed.  Anyone can do what I've done - anyone can be inspirational!!

There are people I meet everyday that will share something they consider small about their life and I will find it inspirational - much more inspirational than mine!!

There are ladies I run and exercise with that have done much more challenging and inspiring things - inspirational!!

But me, no I don't think I'm inspirational, nor do I think I inspire!  But perhaps just by the little things we do each day, we are inspiring someone - and we should all be proud of that!!

As a side, I'm 5 weeks away from running the Gold Coast Airport Marathon - yes 42.2km.  I'm battling a small injury at the moment that is leaving me less than inspired by the whole run but I'm doing little things that I hope will resolve this and bring back my inspiration to complete this journey.  Blog June is bound to contain a lot of musings as my marathon training journey comes to an end - stay tuned!!